Moving Toward Spring

It seems we just got through with Christmas and all that is associated with it, and before long, we will be at Easter. Time sure does fly. This got me to thinking. Do we really get all that happened between that first Christmas and that first “Easter”Sunday. I put Easter in quotes because that day was not called Easter for many centuries after the day when our Lord arose from the grave. This passage of roughly four months could be said to represent about 33 years in the earthly life of Jesus. In the first 30 of those years, our Savior was born and raised, learned and grew and started his earthly ministry. His ministry lasted only about three years. Consider that impact. In three years, He taught, healed the sick, raised the dead, trained his followers and did all the other things that are listed in the Gospels and undoubtedly more. All that in three years, but beyond that, here we are nearly 2000 years later and the movement He started, His Church is still building and growing and flourishing. The odds against that kind of impact from three years of any human life are monumental, unless…

Unless He is exactly who He said He was. The son of God and God in the flesh; the promised King who would rule forever on David’s throne, the fulfillment of prophecy; the King of kings and Lord of lords. For he record, that is exactly who we believe He is here at Springfield. But there’s more. He is Savior. He came and paid the price for our sins, so that if we will place our faith and trust in Him, we will receive eternal life. This is God’s promise for everyone who will believe. So the big question for you is, Do YOU believe? We’d love to tell you more, we’d love to answer your questions and share what we have received. This much I can tell you for sure. God loves you, right here, right now, right where you are, no matter who you are, and no matter what you have done. God has a plan and a purpose for you life and you were worth so much to Him that He gave His only Son for you.

In our world, much of society gets all amped up about Christmas and rightfully so, but there is a hierarchy that should not be overlooked. The purpose of Christmas is Good Friday, the day Jesus died for our sins on the cross. At the end of the day, this is why He came, to rescue us and set us free. That being said, the purpose of Good Friday is Easter, when Jesus rose again from the grave for you and me. If we will place our faith and trust in Him, we receive the ultimate gift, Eternal life. We’re almost to Spring, a time when everything is, in a sense reborn and new life begins. It’s not coincidental that Easter falls in Spring. It is the ultimate expression of new life.

Have you received it?