Christmas Gifts

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” That’s the start of a very familiar Christmas song and it’s true, Christmas is a wonderful time. There’s the trees, the family gatherings, the meals, and of course, the gifts. I must confess, and this may sound a little shocking coming from a pastor, but I love Christmas gifts. Right now, the most spiritual among you may want to take me aside and say, “You know pastor, the good book says it’s more blessed to give than to receive.” For the record, I know that and the I like the giving even more. There is just something so special about searching out and finding that gift that touches a heart, and really shows you care. I just love it, but all of this begs a question. Why do we give gifts at Christmas?

After all for the most part, it’s not your birthday. Why do we give gifts? Well I think it comes down to two things. First, we might be commemorating the gifts of the magi. You might know them as the three kings, though there were probably many more than three of them and it is somewhat doubtful that they were kings. The word Magi comes from the same word from which we get the word “magician.” They were most likely astrologers, people who believe you can predict the future from looking at the alignment of the stars and planets. One day they saw a new star. That got their attention and they followed it, likely for as much as two years. When they arrived, they found the Christ child and worshipped him. They also brought him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Those gifts were very valuable, but there’s more. Think about it. Gold is a gift for a king. Frankincense was a kind of incense used in worship, so you might say it was a gift for a God. Myrrh was a spice used in the preparation of dead bodies. Put them together and what do you have? Gifts for a King who is also God who came to die. They show us who Jesus is and what he came to do. 

Beyond this, there was a practical application. Joseph would soon receive a warning in a dream, take the child and flee to Egypt. Herod, the current king, perceived Jesus, the new born king as a threat, and was planning on killing Jesus. As a result, Joseph would have to move his young family to a foreign land almost instantaneously. With very little in the way of resources, how would he pull off such a move? Well the journey was quite possibly made affordable because someone gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. This is definitely one of the reasons why we give gifts, but there is another much simpler reason. We give gifts to commemorate the greatest gift ever given. The gift of Jesus Christ, who came to take away the sin of the world, save us from our sins and give us eternal life. If you have not already received that gift, please receive Him this year. Just pray and ask Him to forgive you and ask Him into your heart to be your Lord and Savior. If you need more information on this, we are here for you. 

One last thing. There are some people in our world for whom this is not the most wonderful time of the year. Maybe they’re grieving or hurting. Maybe they’re lonely and just need a friend. This Christmas, why not be the gift? Go to them and help and bless them. Invite them in. Show kindness. Be a blessing. 

May you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas,

Pastor Dave and your friends at Springfield Church of the Brethren