Join Us for a New Bible Study Later this Month

I was reading David Jeremiah’s new book, 31 Days to Happiness, which by the way will be one of the resources we will use in our study of the book of Ecclesiastes in a few weeks. In the chapter I am reading right now, Jeremiah is writing about the easy way versus the right way and he shares some insights into the way Jesus was tempted in the desert. Satan made three proposals to Jesus:

“If you want food (Jesus had been fasting for 40 days), just turn these stones into bread.”

“If you want fame, just leap from this temple , into the arms of angels.”

“If you want followers, just bow down to me.”

The devil knew exactly where Jesus was going, but he suggested the wrong ways to get there.

Yes, Jesus wanted food, but he needed fasting, not fast food.

Yes, Jesus wanted fame, but through the way of the cross, not ways that were crass.

Yes, Jesus wanted followers, but through victory over sin, not by giving sin the victory.

The testing of Jesus was all about convenience versus commitment.

Which are you seeking? Join us as we start this study, later this month. We meet at the church, 920 Passer Rd. Coopersburg, PA Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Church Signs

Hi my name is Dave and I’m a pastor. I say that because of something I am about to confess. While I live my life to honor God, there is something that could drive me to a life of crime. It’s bad church signs. Every time I see “God answers knee-mail” on one of those signs with the changeable letters, I dream of breaking in to the church’s office and stealing the book they got it from. The reason is really simple. People already think the church is behind the times and irrelevant–no sense adding fuel to the fire. We are the children of the Creator, and it’s time we got creative.

I love my church sign and I can say that in humility because I am not responsible for its content. One of the members of my congregation, Lucy Cascioli, does our sign. She has since before I got here and she does a great job. The church sign was pretty much the forerunner of the Tweet. Say something of value, to a media bombarded culture passing by quickly, in probably 50 characters or less. It’s a very specialized form of communication, and Lucy handles it masterfully.

Our sign currently says “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” I love that message. It’s the essence of ministry. If we are a people that trust God, then we trust in His faithfulness, and if we trust in His faithfulness then we can trust in His provision. We don’t have to worry about whether we have enough of whatever. We don’t have to wish we had what we don’t have or lament how successful we could be if we just had X, Y, or Z. Instead we look at what God has provided with great gratitude and put it to work to His glory, trusting He will make provision in any area where we have need.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

I an’t wait to see what comes next on our sign.