In today’s passage, Luke 14:1-14 Jesus shows us what’s really important. I’ll give you a hint, to him, it’s you! Watch to find out more.
Or hear the whole message here.
In today’s passage, Luke 14:1-14 Jesus shows us what’s really important. I’ll give you a hint, to him, it’s you! Watch to find out more.
Or hear the whole message here.
This week, amidst all the pressure Christians face to “be nice” we strive to answer the question, “Was Jesus Nice?” The answer may surprise you and it begs another question. Is there a difference between niceness and kindness?
Or hear the whole message here.
It’s so important that we know what the Kingdom of God is like because as Christians, we’re part of it, and our mission is to make that Kingdom know, i.e. to tell others what the Kingdom is like and how to get there. Check out the final thought to hear more.
Or you can hear the whole message here.
Coming up in less than two weeks… Franklin Graham’s God Loves You Tour, Allentown Fairgrounds, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, September 24, 2022.
For the last few weeks we have talked about how God fights our battles, but what do we do while we’re waiting on Him? Here are a few suggestions.
or listen to the whole message here.
How do you endure between the battle which is assured in this world and the victory is guaranteed in the Lord? Listen in to find out more…
or see the full message video here.
Yesterday I ministered at the Peter Becker Community Retirement Community here in Pennsylvania, along with several folks from here at Springfield. Here is a recording of the message I preached.
How do we fight in a way that honors God? The answers are found in this video. Check it out.
Or hear the whole message here.