Here at Springfield, we have now returned to worshipping in our Sanctuary after spending 11 months worshipping in our Fellowship Hall. We are still social distancing and trying to follow the guidelines for public gatherings as best we can, but things are getting a little more back to “normal.” I wanted to take a moment today to express gratitude. First of al I am grateful that we had the Fellowship Hall to meet in these many months. While it was definitely different from our usual worship, it made it that we were able to return to in-person worship fairly quickly and that was a blessing. Some people made comments over the last year as if those who wanted to return to in-person worship were idolizing their buildings. Nothing could be further from the truth. What was really happening was the family of God wanted to regather to be the body of Christ.
Secondly I am grateful for all the skills I learned in the last few months. I’ve learned how to make videos, how to stream on Zoom and my PowerPoint game has really improved. I would not have had to learn these skills in most other years, but this little trial by fire forced me out of my technological comfort zone and allowed me to learn things that will help me to spread the Gospel far and wide, even long after all the restrictions are gone.
Finally, I want to say I am grateful for this congregation. You all were so helpful and cooperative. Many of my colleagues were experiencing all sorts of struggles and division, but you were patient as we figured out how to weather this storm together. You blessed me with kindness and compliance. I know you didn’t all agree with all the policies in place, but rather than following the patterns of the world with all the acrimony that came with it, you loved your neighbor as yourself and looked out for one another, and for that I am eternally grateful.
The fact of the matter is even the oldest folks among us, have never lived through a worldwide pandemic, and there were a lot of huge lessons to be learned. Thank you for having teachable spirits and a lot of patience. I never led through anything like this before, and I pray I will never have to again, but to this congregation, I will echo the words of the Apostle Paul, who said to the church he founded in Corinth. I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:4. Thank you for being so graceful, now let’s move forward in love and reach our region with the love of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to you and I am grateful to God for you!
Pastor Dave