My, this has gone on a while hasn’t it? I’m writing this early Sunday morning on what is our eighth Sunday under quarantine. The above saying just came to mind. Please understand, I am not making light of this or anything you’re feeling, and it’s at least as much a reminder to the pastor as it is an encouragement to the congregation.
The saying Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities. While we are under a much different “attack” there is still a certain truth to the statement. I have been listening to all kinds of briefings, trying to figure out the plan. Yesterday I sat in on a webinar for church leaders giving guidelines for re-opening our churches when the time comes. To be honest, it was informative but daunting. One thing’s for certain, it’s going to be a lot of work and will require a good bit of flexibility from all of us. I will admit, it’s all been pretty intimidating.
Here’s what we need to remember. Our Lord is good all the time. He walks with us through this life and leads us all the way home. We need to remember He is Sovereign and even in difficult times, He knows exactly what to do and do you know where that leaves us? We need only to keep calm and carry on. We need to trust the Lord, do what we can, serve Him in faithfulness and understand, none of us are going to get it right the every time. Instead we need to show each other grace and work together.
There will be differing opinions as to what to do. Some will want to jump right in as soon as possible and that’s okay. If that’s not what you think we should do, love those who do and be kind. Others will want to hold back a bit and continue to stay home. That’s okay too. If you disagree with that tactic, love those who’s ideas differ and be kind. In my time with you, and we’re approaching five years together, I have known you to be a kind and loving congregation. Continuing in that will serve us well. We’ll weather this storm best if we hold on to Jesus and love each other through it.
The original Keep Calm and Carry On poster featured a crown at the top. I suppose that represented the king or the empire. That was fine as far as it goes, but let’s remember we serve a far greater King, and under Him we really can keep calm and carry on in faithfulness. Our God is supremely good and He’s got this.